Swiss Foundation dismisses Mohamed Kandeel due to FGM propaganda

The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research dismissed Mohamed Kandeel from further membership

The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research dismissed Mohamed Kandeel from further membership

After our international protest wave, the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research dismissed the Egyptian professor Mohamed Kandeel from further membership at the foundation, due to his stupefying call to legalise and medicalise Female Genital Mutilation, based on the prediction that cutting off a girl’s clitoris (so-called Type I) would not be harmful:

The UK-based Faculty of 1000 Ltd has been providing a “scientific platform” for Kandeel to publish his article ‘Female genital cutting is a harmful practice: where is the evidence’.

In this article, Kandeel is claiming that Clitoridectomy (a procedure that would find it’s male equivalent by cutting off the glans of the penis) would not be harmful for the victims:

“There is insufficient evidence to support the claims that genital cutting is a harmful procedure…We should ask ourselves what would be the percentages of these complications if FGC was performed in a well-equipped theatre by experienced personnel. They would probably not be different to any other surgical procedure…This may have overestimated the rate of complications in women with FGC who attended hospitals to deliver…”

Kandeel calls for the legalisation of Female Genital Mutilation with Islamic justification:

“There is insufficient evidence to support the claims that genital cutting is a harmful procedure…We should ask ourselves what would be the percentages of these complications if FGC was performed in a well-equipped theatre by experienced personnel. They would probably not be different to any other surgical procedure…This may have overestimated the rate of complications in women with FGC who attended hospitals to deliver…” usw. usf.

Kandeel ruft zur Legalisierung von Klitoridektomie mit islamischer Begründung auf:

“…Type I FGC (Ia is removal of the prepuce and Ib is removal of the prepuce and clitoris) according to hadith “Sunna type of circumcision”. This type of female genital surgery is equated with male genital surgery…Considering that the number of Moslems in the world ranks second, it seems logical to reconsider the legal attitude towards female circumcision and probably avoids the ban directed towards Sunna circumcision….”

Mohamed Kandeel fordert den Westen – bzw. Gesetzgeber weltweit – auf, Eltern das Herausschneiden der Klitoris bei ihren Töchtern zu erlauben:

“Law makers all around the globe are invited to review the legal situation of female circumcision…the procedure should be offered to parents who insist on it…Those who insist on circumcising their daughters should be allowed to do so…”

Der “Fall Kandeel” zeigt einmal mehr, das die Forderung nach und Unterstützung von Genitalverstümmelung nichts mit “mangelnder Bildung oder Aufklärung” zu tun hat, wie immer noch zahlreiche westliche Organisationen und Politiker behaupten, sondern insbesondere von gebildeten Eliten fokussiert wird.

Wer zu dem Schluss gelangt, dass Mohamed Kandeel aufgrund seines menschenverachtenden Aufrufs zur Duldung und Fortführung der Verstümmelung und Misshandlung weiblicher Kinder in Zukunft keine Plattform mehr bei der Genfer Stiftung für Medizinische Ausbildung und Forschung bekommen sollte, kann seinen Ausschluss hier fordern:

Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Villa Grand-Montfleury
Chemin du Grand-Montfleury 48
1290 Versoix – Switzerland

Phone +41 (0)22 3467716
Fax +41 (0)22 3467834
Web site

Last but no least, Kandeel is urging Western (and world wide) law makers to allow parents to cut off the clitoris of their daughters:

“Law makers all around the globe are invited to review the legal situation of female circumcision…the procedure should be offered to parents who insist on it…Those who insist on circumcising their daughters should be allowed to do so…”

The immediate response of the Geneva Foundation can be seen as a clear

Mohamed Kandeel is not given any longer a platform at the Swiss Foundation. Now, the UK based Faculty of 1000 Ltd needs to get convinced too

Mohamed Kandeel is not given any longer a platform at the Swiss Foundation. Now, the UK based Faculty of 1000 Ltd needs to get convinced too

and prospective sign of  intolerance towards the public and blatant instigation of child abuse through Female Genital Mutilation.

Nevertheless, this amount of comprehension can not be found yet among all involved parties:


UK-based “Faculty of 1000 Ltd” is defending and supporting Kandeel’s mindset

Bad enough that Kandeel is actually given a “scientific platform” at “F1000 Research”, it gets even worse: When a member of the editorial board of this journal commented on the article by expressing “total opposition to any attempts to justify female genital mutiliation in any form…”, the “F1000” publisher Rebecca Lawrence answered back by overlooking Kandeel’s criminal mindset and defending him:

Lawrence writes: “I…don’t believe the authors of the article are in any way condoning female circumcision”…

“…they have demonstrated scientific evidence that if the female circumcision is done in a clinical setting with appropriate pain control and anesthesia, then the likelihood of physical complications is very low.” (!)

Last but not least, Lawrence presumes that it would lead to an “ill-informed debate”(!) if “such scientific articles” would be suppressed!

Well, the only institution here that is boosting an “ill-informed” debate is “Faculty of 1000 Ltd” with it’s staff that is obviously so blindfolded by cultural relativism that they are certifying any propaganda for the worst crimes against humanity as “appropriate” if only it is presented under a pseudo-scientific disguise.

In this attitude and behavior of “Faculty of 1000 Ltd”, we recognise a high level of ethical corruption that we are unable to tolerate.

For this reason, we prepared this protest article that you are invited to copy and send to the three responsables mentionend in the article. It is to send your expression of deep concern and ask F 1000 Ltd. to seriously reconsider the decision to be a platform for individuals like Mohamed Kandeel who do first of all deserve international ostracism but not a stage at a scientific platform.

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Most girls in Indonesia suffer severe forms of Genital Mutilation
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